{ Tuesday, September 21, 2010
12:07 PM }
I should not have napped! now I can't sleep and a terrible cycle starts!!
I schrolled down and read your old post! you didn't show me your biker jacket when i was back in singapore!!
{ Friday, February 26, 2010
10:32 PM }
My last post is so depressing.
On a brighter note, 就想赖着你 is an awesome show.
Why is it awesome?
Reason number 1: Jerry Yan!

He's got the world's most awesome set of teeth which he shows off to the fullest extent when he smiles! Oh my god. His smile can melt anyone's heart! When he smiles, he just warms my miserable pathetic heart and makes me feel that everything is going to be okay. Awwww..
And it doesn't hurt that he wears well-tailored tight fitting shirts!
Reason number 2: 小小彬!

He plays Jerry Yan's nephew in the show. He is SOOOOOOOO lovable! Mad adorable! :D
OK, so I watch the show for the awesome male actors in it. Go watch it too and fall in love with the both of them
{ Sunday, February 21, 2010
11:29 PM }
I'm sad and depressed that school is starting again.
I really want to get out of it :(
Coffee and Sleep
{ Wednesday, January 27, 2010
8:22 AM }
Coffee and sleep are my two best friends, yet they are in constant battle with one another.
I recently found out that tea stains our teeth more than coffee. Interesting eh. I always thought coffee was of a greater evil.
{ Tuesday, January 26, 2010
2:45 PM }
I think I have like sporadic bursts of stressfulness. I'll be like chilling and then suddenly freaking out, and then go back to chilling and freak out again.
I just want a peace and quiet life.
{ Tuesday, January 19, 2010
3:44 PM }
I think my sleeping pattern got messed up again. *sad*
{ Sunday, January 17, 2010
8:40 PM }
I know! I am SO in love with the jacket. I went to get it today and it wasn't $79 bucks! It's $59! Hooray! I love a good buy! :D I can't wait to wear it out (and get a heat stroke at the same time).
So many exclamation marks! Can you sense my excitement? :D
{ Saturday, January 16, 2010
10:19 PM }
faux leather and biker jacket! the two most in things this winter!! but wait a minute, that sounds really hot for singapore hahahahhaahha
you should be rewarding yourself ^^
PS. awesome that you figured out the password for the blog! :Pp
4:06 PM }
Hello Grace!!! :)
You revived the blog!! GOOD FOR YOU!
I've got a piece of great news!
Anyway I saw this gorgeous faux leather biker jacket just now. I AM SO FREAKING TEMPTED TO BUY IT! howwwwwwwwww =(
Project Runway S7E01
6:23 AM }
So I'm going to blog about the project runway episode that I just watched. And I got excited looking at all the garments down the runway and just want to add my 2 cents view on them. By the way, Heidi Klum is pregnant AGAIN. I admittedly watched how a lot of seasons of Project Runway and it seems like she's constantly getting pregnant!! hahahahhaa
The Winner:
OKay I know I probably don't have the best fashion sense. But I seriously don't like this dress! The coin like circles drive me crazy!! It pains me to look at it. Anyway it's the winner.

Some other designs:

(1) I actually kind of like this design, although it is pretty simple and it seems to be a look that I've seen before. I think it has an interesting texture.
BUT doesn't the flowery thingey right at the center of her tummy make it look like she's wearing her uterus on the outside? (Sorry I know that was mean, but I simply couldn't resist)
(2) Talking about interesting point of view, I can't miss out Ping's design! She has such an unusual style. And she doesn't even use a mannequins when she's tailoring her piece, she just... fits them on herself!! Well I can see how using a mannequin probably doesn't really make a big difference. I'm pretty sure her pieces would easily fit different shapes and sizes.
I would love to see more of her designs and how she would be catering her style to other challenges. Oh another interesting thing, she's a physical therapist, so she says she understands body structures and body movements perfectly. Wow....
(3) Like the skirt, very feminine, flowy, pretty.
(4)This is a very simple design that I think is very chic and classy. The designer decided to completely change her design at the last minute and she actually managed to whip that up! Amazing right?

Alright lastly this is from the designer who was sent home. Yea it's not really fantastic. I'm not digging the colors and it did look very sloppy on the runway.
6:15 AM }
I want to start blogging again, but I haven't thought of what I want to blog about, so later 88
{ Monday, April 27, 2009
1:15 PM }
I am grounded at home cause of the swine flu. Arghhhhhhhh and I've been studying very slowly since I can't go to the library.
And there's so much to study and so little time. :((
Breakups and weight changes
{ Thursday, April 16, 2009
11:30 AM }
My roomie has been yelling about how she's been putting on a lot of weight recently, like ever since her breakup (which is like 2 months ago). Like my roomie is just real skinny so generally I feel that the weight she's putting on, it's pretty much good for her.
And then like I haven't seen her ex-boyfriend at all for a while, even though like he still comes over all the time, I pretty much just say hi and go back to my own world. So when I saw him today I was like: gosh, breakups really make people gain weight! (Of course that was silently to myself haha)
Actually I think I've been gaining weight too, just from my messed up lifestyle right now. Gosh I hate being so unhealthy. So yea I shouldn't comment on them anymore, since like I don't even dare step on the weighing scale. I kinda just run the other direction everytime I see one. Is there syndrome for phobia of the weighing scale? I totally have that haha.
Gosh my liver...
{ Wednesday, April 15, 2009
4:09 PM }
Gosh I'm really worried for my liver.
All the messed up sleeping times and excessive caffeine. I feel so sorry towards my body. I'm so sorry it'll all be over soon.
Xin VS Ron
{ Tuesday, April 14, 2009
3:00 PM }

Gosh I'm torn between Ah Xin and Ron Weasley. They are both so cute ^^
Ah Xin can singg and he's super tall. Ron is so youthful and also super tall.
but I guess... I can't really stand the british accent. So my heart stays with ah xin in the end.
How am I surviving no sleep and all caffeine?? filling myself with crappy stuff like this haha...
Weasleys in Egypt
{ Friday, April 10, 2009
12:08 AM }
This is bad...
{ Wednesday, April 08, 2009
2:56 AM }
OMG I DON'T KNOW HOW TO WRITE MY THESIS. It's so hard......................
{ Tuesday, March 31, 2009
1:07 PM }

If something really good happens to me, I want to get this. Though at this point nothing good is happening to me and I don't even know where in the world can I get that.
I shall call it: capsule sofa (not very creative I know). It's now ranked no.1 on my want list.